
When a system such as a content management system is rolled out within an organization, the training of the users is essential. Not only to teach them the ins and outs of a system, but also to create support.

Without user acceptance, a system will never meet the expected added value. Naturally, users should be involved from the outset of any project. For various reasons this is not always possible, but that makes training even more important. Com-firm not only has experience with training, but also gives presentations. Both nationally and internationally.

Learn more about training?
Please contact us if you find it interesting for us to engage in giving a presentation or training.

Advise on matters such as organizational structure, online solutions and services, content management and CRM.

Project management of online assignments, campaign assistance or temporary support in your organization.

Identifying the role that online can play in your business strategy and objectives.

Creating support and training / giving presentations.