Topresearch website Econtrack is live!

The Tilburg School of Economics has launched its new research website today: Econtrack. This website (in Dutch) is the new portal for the School to present its research and researchers in a thematic, clear, attractive and accessible way. It not only shows the variety of the research of the School, but also its relevance to society. Besides short articles about new research projects, it contains an overview of the researchers of the School, alphabetically and thematically, topical files ('dossiers'), video items, news and agenda items, and much more.

Research of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management aims to contribute to a better understanding of issues that engage today’s society.

In five months time Com-firm took care of the project management and agency and content management selection. Next to the agency Com-firm also closely worked with all the internal stakeholders, like the management team, research coordinators and researchers. With the Christmas meeting the website was presented to the whole faculty.  

The primary target group, the media, has paid a lot attention to the site. Also the dean wrote an article on his blog.